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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

David Archuleta Makes Dreams Come True

Okay, so here's a funny story. I recently received a new calling as the Stake Photographer. What does that mean? Basically, I have an open invitation to every stake event, and that included the Young Women's Conference.
I am still in shock over what I witnessed firsthand.
About mid-way through the conference, David Archuleta (yes, I mean American Idol David Archuleta), surprised hundreds of teenage girls as he showed up to speak and sing for them. As they announced his name from the podium, the girls screamed, some cried, and others ran to him!
He managed to calm the audience down though as he sang the sweetest rendition of
"I am a Child of God" that I have ever heard. He genuinely spoke from the heart. Which only provided further proof that the person we all saw on American Idol was the real David Archuleta. That was no act on national television. More than anything though, I have to say that boy can sing! When he does, it permeates the air and touches your soul. His voice can and will make anyone a David Archuleta fan! 
Meanwhile, all those lovestruck teenage girls came away with just one thought...
to marry David Archuleta!

1 comment:

  1. That's funny! I can just imagine all those girls running up to him! Ha ha, where's the reverence girls?
