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Friday, August 13, 2010

Curby's Closet Boots

I feel like such a slacker because I haven't written much this week. Between reading and sewing I find my attention being drawn away from the computer altogether. Why write my mindless thoughts when I can read the powerful insights and research of doctors and inspired men? Even as I type this, I find myself looking longingly at one of my new books. However, I simply must share my latest quilting accomplishments!

My father's cousin's daughter (if that makes any sense!) is pregnant and the baby shower was tonight. So, for the gift, I made my usual soft, cuddly, minkie blanket.
Then, I tried something new. You see, while on the Southern California Quilt Run, we found a pattern for baby boots that was a must since I know so many people that are pregnant! The company is called Curby's Closet, and they are just about the cutest thing that you can put on a baby's feet! The boots are made with quilted fabric, which you can do on your basic sewing machine. You then cut the quilted fabric and sew it all together in boot form.

Didn't they turn out sweet?! I suddenly want to make them in every color, theme, and size because I am so excited about them! They are really easy to make, and look really impressive. They especially look nice with the overall gift. Don't you think? It just tops the whole thing off by adding that final touch of perfection.

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